About Our Founder

Bob Goldstein, Founder
Double Digits Growth
Expertise & Acumen
We have navigated the stormy seas. Double Digits is founded by Single Digits former CEO and current Board Member, Bob Goldstein. Bob's professional journey spans over 25 years and is deeply rooted with entrepreneurial beginnings. A natural progression pivoting from the co-founder of Single Digits, an industry leader in technology infrastructure and Wi-Fi services - which began as a two man team in the early 2000's and is currently headquartered in Bedford, NH with 500 employees. As CEO for 17 years, Bob led the company from the garage through its debt funded growth phase, to later closing three rounds of growth equity. In addition, the company grew to an industry leadership position through a combination of double-digit organic growth while sourcing and integrating 17 acquisitions between 2009 - 2019. Bob brought a clear style of open communication and metrics driven goals to build a leadership team that has taken them to new heights.
To learn more about Bob please click here:
To listen to Bob on a featured Podcast from New Hampshire Business Review please click here: